Just a quick note to let you know that I will also be blogging at the Teach Paperless blog. Formerly this was Shelly Blake-Price’s blog, but now he has opened it up to a group of people posting. My first post You don’t know me was posted this morning. As of right now I do not plan on cross-posting directly from this blog so you should expect at least slightly different content from there. I am excited to share with a larger audience and I hope you will join us in the conversations there.
Category Archives: blogs
"Vale a pena ficar de olho nesse blog"
“Vale a pena ficar de olho nesse blog” means “its worth keeping an eye on this blog.” I was listed by whatedsaid as a blog to follow which I appreciate. Keeping the chain going (I hate e-mail chains and have never continued one, but this is promoting real blogs so…) I will give you ten blogs that I most look forward to reading on topics such as math, standard based grading, technology, and education policy. Common thread is honest writing and student-centered, project based learning.
Think, Thank, Thunk by Shawn Cornally. Read about math, physics, standard based grading, and student-centered learning instead of textbook centered. I would love to take his class.
Musings of a not so Master Teacher by John Spencer. An honest teacher who is continually evaluating everything in his life. John is not afraid to challenge popular ideas including technology use and immigration in his home state of Arizona.
The Tempered Radical by Bill Ferriter. Another honest writer who challenges education policy that he does not agree with.
Point of Inflection by Riley Lark. He uses computer programming to teach math.
Borderland by Doug Noon. He has really resonated with some of his evaluations of current ed. policy.
Sweeney Math by Matt Sweeney. I have learned some nice tips for teaching math such as the rainbow rule.
F(t) by Kate Nowak. A teacher who is really working hard to make math relevant and meaningful.
Questions? by David Cox. Really enjoy that this math blog is from a middle school math perspective.
Blogush by Paul Blogush. I like his views on how teaching and learning naturally occur.
The Fischbowl by Karl Fisch. This blog has focused on Karl’s plans for teaching Algebra next year and he has been thinking out loud about his plans.
So check them out and give them some comment love. As a side I am interested in adding more blogs that focus on problem-based ideas in middle school math such as David Cox’s listed above to my Reader. So if you have any excellent ones leave them in the comments.