Here are some blogs that have influenced me lately:
Ira Socol’s SpeEdChange Ira writes about radical changes needed in education rooted in a historical perspective. He shows how many things we do are rooted in history to prepare students for industrial society instead of for today.
John Spencer get two nods Musings from a not so Master Teacher A blog about all kinds of educational thoughts from his classroom to ed. policy and Pencil Integration an excellent satire of technology integration.
Shelly Blake-Plock TeachPaperless Blogs about using technology seamlessly to go “paperless” and focus on student-centered learning.
Silvia Martinez Generation Yes Blog Her latest few posts about “tinkering” in the classroom really have me thinking.
Russ Goerend Learning is Life ELA teacher blogging about his classroom and education in general.
Matt McTownsley MeTa Musings A high school math teacher blogging about standards based grading.
Joe Power’s For the Love of Learning Just discovered this blog about abolishing grades and focusing on student learning instead.
And I will add one “big name” to the list because of the creative and important crowdsourcing project he is organizing right now Will Richardson Weblogg-ed
So check them out and add them to your RSS feed.