Last thing is such a misnomer. I feel like I am just beginning to learn about Web 2.0 and about how to teach. I have always advocated and used hands-on, real world learning but this takes it to a whole new level. My goals from this class are small:
- create a paperless classroom where all assignments are completed in blogs, wikis, podcasts, vodcasts, and other applications
- convince every teacher in my school to take this class
- present Web 2.0 ideas to our board
- have 1 to 1 computers in my school and eliminate traditional textbooks
- establish WebPals as an international program of cultural exchange between classes around the world
- develop my own PLN
Thanks Ron, this was the best class I have ever taken. I can never look at any education situation the same.
You have stated all my goals, then kept going. I need to rethink what needs to be done at Comstock Park. Thank you for stretching my thought processes.
Thanks Harold. Congrats on being done and keep in touch.
Harold Schneider
Decided to use moodle, see it here:
Nice job on finishing. I’ll see you on Monday for our inservice. Roode will be later for the morning part, but he’ll be in his room by 12:30 Monday. See ya there.
Kax, thanks for you input through these activities. Your comment the other day about 10 minute mail was perfect timing, I had a link for MailCatch but had forgotten about it and between the 2 services I created 25 blogspot accounts for a class on short notice.
See my first new tech use since class inspiration:
I am having my Web Design class blog at this site rather than forcing in class discussions. Since the class is self paced (within deadlines) students are all over the lessons. Some students will work ahead to finish the designated content, so they can learn advanced web design concepts through other tutorials. I know tough way of doing things, but students seem to go for it!
Hey Harold, I just checked out your blog that your class is doing. It appears to working good for you. I am doing a paperless class in two 8th grade classes. Our blog is The kids have just started their own blogs. We are taking a break from it and building balsa towers. We will post about them when we get done.
I am also wondering if you have a camera and microphone and would like to set up a Skype call between our students????