I like the RSS feature alot, but I am having trouble getting it to work properly. Everything I try to sign up for ends up in Microsoft feeds under my favorites instead of on my Google Reader. I can’t figuire out how to change the settings for feeds to make them go where I want them to go. Sometimes I just hate Bill Gates!
I will definitely use this daily to keep track of news, sports, and tech stuff (assuming it isn’t blocked by my district’s server!). There are some on-line tech journals that I would also like to subscribe too. This tool will help me to do my own informal professional development by keeping me visiting the journals with the latest news and ideas for my classroom. The easier it is to access these sites the more likely I am to actually use it and read the journals.
This also helps me to see how the Utopian school in David Warlick’s article could happen. I am addicted to reading (or at least opening and skimming) every e-mail sent to me at school and I think many other people are too. With RSS it could easily and quickly become a habit to read each other’s blog posts and collaborate.