Tag Archives: school culture

You have heard about elf on a shelf, but have you heard of …

Couldn’t resist the current meme as this post is about my name.

I have a weird name–Kaechele. No one can say it right. If a stranger pronounces it correctly then I ask who they know in my family. Before my education career, I worked many years in concrete construction. I had a boss for years who never learned to say my name right. He called me “Ka-she-lee” with a heavy emphasis on the “she.”

My extended family pronounces it “Kek-lee” with a short e. My immediate family pronounces it “Kak-lee” with a strong Michigan “a”(as in apple). In college, most people called me Kax, and they had no idea what my real name was.

My name is German in origin and means “small kitchen tile.” Apparently my ancestors were masons, but I prefer to believe that we were foodies. I once met a German woman who informed me that my entire family pronounces our name wrong. I can’t even remember how to say it correctly, just that it was guttural. This is as close as I can find.

Over the years, I have found my weird name to be a source of culture building in the the classroom. Students have called me many things: Kackles, Mr. Calculator, Kax, or just Kaechele. I answer to all of them. Some adults might find it disrespectful that students omit Mr. but I have never cared.

Important caveat: This does not work both ways. It is important that teachers always learn to pronounce student names correctly. Names are a vital part of our identity, and we must honor students by using their correct names and pronunciations.

I currently have a student who says, “Good morning, Mr. Kaechele” in a sing song voice every time she sees me. I can’t walk down the hall or pass the lunch room without her yelling it out. It’s a joke to her that she finds funny. But to me it is evidence of a connection that we have. Last week a student called me “Ka-she-lee” and was surprised when I answered her. Honestly, I am so used to my name being mispronounced that I didn’t even notice.

To me, nicknames represent a level of trust and comfort between myself and students. We are past the awkwardness of the start of school that I have never enjoyed and have developed a sense of community. It is also part of a culture that means I don’t take myself too seriously. That’s why I do Throwback Thursdays, playing 80’s jams when kids enter the classroom.

Oftentimes the rituals of my classroom happen organically as we get to know one another, but I am always intentionally seeking moments to create them. It feels natural to students but it is calculated on my part. One of the most under-appreciated aspects of the teacher is their power to create classroom culture. Mine reflects my personality-laid back, personable, while thinking deeply.

What kind of community and culture do you value? How do you create it in your class?

Pulse of PBL

Learn with me!

If you are interested in how your school can use a PBL framework to teach SEL skills, I would love to have a conversation on how I can help. I have limited availability for PBL & SEL workshops during the school year so contact me early. Check out my workshop page or drop me an email at mikejkaechele@gmail.com. I would love to chat and co-plan meaningful PD for the educators at your school.

ABC’s of School Culture


My friend James threw out this question in a tweet this week and received many intriguing responses. As I personally know many of the people who responded (not @FLOTUS obviously and am curious why @DairyQueen was included), I could see their personalities and passions reflected in their answers. I added a list of my own thoughts, but Twitter is never the place to flesh out complex ideas.

What I really wanted to say was just culture, that’s it. And if you have ever read my blog before, you know that I am passionate about integrating Social and Emotional Learning into Project Based Learning. But those are actually pedagogical frameworks to structure the ideal culture. And without the proper culture they fall flat and are ineffective.

Of course, there are many aspects of education that are complicated, nuanced, and attached to huge systems. But oftentimes what most holds educators back is a culture of fear of rejection based on the traditional perspective of how schools should function. If you have ever visited a school or class that was truly mind blowing in what students were doing, I can guarantee it had a strong culture that allowed it to deal with many of the systems and adversities that hold other schools back.

Every school has a culture, but what are the key ingredients of successful culture that should be adopted by all schools? One of the first things that young children learn are their ABC’s, as a basis for reading. Here are my ABC’s that are the foundation of a powerful school culture.

  • Action
  • Bravery
  • Curiosity
  • Caring

Culture of Caring

I know it starts with “C,”but we have to begin with caring. Kids first. Not the needs of adults in the system: control and compliance that squash individualism. Not the needs of the state: high standardized test scores that reject creativity. Not the needs of business: the economy above all else while neglecting inequities. Not the needs of curriculum: covering all of standards while boring students to death. All schools say that they care for children, but actions and school policies speak volumes.

Evidence of Caring? When it is obvious that students and adults in the building enjoy working together.

Successful schools value community and relationships above all else. Students are the customers that school is designed for, not passive objects that school is done to. Adults value empathy, not only as something to be taught to students, but modeled by involving students in all decision-making processes.

In caring schools, students and adults watch out for each other. They check in on mental health. They laugh at inside jokes. They geek out about passions and create class rituals. Social and Emotional Learning is not an add-on activity, but is integrated into the day with kids developing the competencies through authentic work. Caring is the bedrock that the rest of school culture is built upon.

Culture of Action

I am a firm believer that whoever is doing, is learning. Listening to a lecture and taking notes is NOT doing. Active learning means kids are moving, creating, experimenting, going outside, brainstorming, observing, speaking, collaborating, solving problems, asking their own questions, exploring, and making. SEL skills aren’t just being discussed, but actively practiced in their project teams.

Action means noise, not silence. Classroom management means the teacher is facilitating multiple groups doing different tasks, not watching quiet rows of compliant kids. Students aren’t “locked” in the classroom but spill into the hallways and outdoors. The room doesn’t look like a Pinterest picture, but shows evidence of student learning artifacts scattered throughout. Students are engaged in their work not bored by stale textbooks. They are creating meaningful products that reflect their learning, not cramming facts for tests.

Culture of Bravery

The overarching culture of traditional schools is control and compliance. Administrators demand it from teachers, who in turn require it from students. Great schools flip this model on it’s head and practice freedom. A culture of bravery means that districts reject everything that is not aligned to holistic student growth and learning. District level administration bravely rejects cultural and political pressure for high test scores, accountability measures, and standardization. They empower principals and teachers as professionals to design learning experiences based on students, not curriculum.

There is no fear of failure, only joy in pursuing passions.

Building principals bravely trust their teachers and support innovations that are student-focused. Flexibility is valued. Traditions are cherished when they build community, but rejected when they are only about controlling young people. Adults place student voice over compliance. Administrators are in the habit of saying “yes” to teachers and students who want to experiment and try something out of the box.

A culture of yes, also means saying “no” to harmful practices that value systems and adults over children. It means either skipping standardized tests or de-emphasizing them to the point of ignoring them; getting rid of punitive punishments and replacing them with restorative practices; and searching out and eliminating inequitable practices that harm our most vulnerable students. Based on the culture of caring, anything that gets in the way of student-centered learning is bravely eliminated.

Before every new initiative, students should be asked for input and it should be valued as the most important viewpoint. Not the placement of a token student on the school board, but actually listening to what kids think, say, and want for their education. Schools that move beyond limited choices for students to truly empowered student voice in changing their communities.

Culture of Curiosity

With the removal of so many systemic constraints, students are encouraged to pursue their passions. They ask meaningful questions about their community, engage in authentic inquiry, and seek out practical solutions. They are not preparing for the future, but contributing right now! Project Based Learning is the philosophical framework that structures and guides student curiosity around issues seeded in their community and the world.

Teachers aren’t seen primarily as content experts (although they are) but designers of master learning experiences guiding students down paths that they might not discover by themselves. Teachers are learning experts who model questioning, experimenting, and failure for students. Through PBL, students practice Transformative SEL skills as they address complex problems of the world to bring about justice. Curiosity leads to empathy of multiple viewpoints rather than one dogmatic approach. Students develop into self-directed learners who have the tools to investigate and propose solutions to any problem that they come across. They become curious leaders who never stop learning.

Questions? Interested in an SEL infused PBL workshop or consulting?  Connect with me at michaelkaechele.com or @mikekaechele on Twitter.