Tag Archives: Connections



Crescent City Connection, New Orleans taken from my hotel window

Crescent City Connection, New Orleans taken from my hotel window

The theme for NTAC this year was “Building Bridges.” My bridge that I have been building this week has been connections to other educators. My favorite part of NTAC was meeting friends old and new. Some of you I have “known” on Twitter, sometimes for years. Others of you I just happened to sit by you in a session or in the hall. I spent all of my time looking for folks to talk to and to hear their stories.


My favorite connections are those that lead to future collaborations with each other and with my students. In a session about collaboration I listened as teachers proposed network projects around inventions, water, and an online magazine showcasing student writing, poetry, art, and videos. I am so excited to see these connections happen and grow because I know it will lead to students getting excited about collaboration.

At the table starting from the left: @cfanch, @Beejee71, @me, @suzieboss, Ed Briceño. Photo by @rmjohnson45

At the table starting from the left: @cfanch, @Beejee71, @me, @suzieboss, Ed Briceño. Photo by @rmjohnson45

Next time you are at a conference don’t just hang out with the people you came with. Introduce yourself to some new people, strike up a conversation with someone about their work, and learn from each other.

Connect with someone and grow YOUR network. Better yet continue the relationships through blogging, Twitter, Skype, or other places. You and your students will never be the same.