Recently Matinga and I were honored to be guests on Michigan Public Radio’s Stateside to talk about our book: Pulse of PBL. We discussed what teachers and students are facing as we start the school year and how a combination of PBL and SEL can bring out kids greatest potential. Our interview starts around the 12:00 minute mark.
We discuss coping skills that kids need post-Covid to understand themselves and get along with others. True equity is when we honor all kids strengths. PBL is the vessel to teach these SEL skills as kids participate in authentic learning. I also share a bit about our Grand Rapids Civil Rights podcasts project.
Learn with me!
If you are interested in how your school can use a PBL framework to teach SEL skills. I would love to have a conversation on how I can help. I have limited availability for PBL & SEL workshops during the school year so contact me early. Check out my workshop page or drop me an email at I would love to chat and co-plan meaningful PD for the educators at your school.