Of the 7 1/2 habits the one that I find easiest is # 2. I like learning and tend to feel bored if my life becomes repetitive. I seek out new ideas and interests to stimulate my brain and creativity. I worked in concrete construction before becoming a teacher and continue to do so in the summer and in my free time. I have turned to concrete coutertops and tables using concrete as an artform. Two of my current dreams are to build my own concrete house and to use my concrete skills to team-teach a landscaping class with the art teacher at my school.
The one that I feel is hardest is number 5. Creating my own toolbox is difficult for me because of time and money. I enjoy learning very much but tend to become fragmented in my interests and responsibilities between work, family, and interests. This class should help me structure my technology interests and actually do them. I guess I could list off many skills and activities I would like to learn and do but can not get to all of them.